The fertiliser ordinance requires an adjustment of the fertilization strategy


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Apply fertilizer

The Fertilizer Ordinance severely limits N quantities and fertilization times. As a result, optimum yield and quality cannot be achieved. The result is that the profitability of companies decreases. In order to remain sustainable, an adjustment of the fertilization strategy is necessary. Intelligent sensor systems help farmers do this.

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The challenges of the new fertiliser regulation

The Fertilizer Ordinance is increasingly restricting nitrogen fertilization on agricultural land (more information). Less nitrogen may be applied to one hectare of agricultural land than in the past. The Fertilizer Ordinance severely limits N quantities and fertilization times. As a result, the optimum yield and quality cannot be achieved. The result is that the profitability of companies decreases. In order to remain sustainable, an adjustment of the fertilization strategy is necessary. Intelligent sensor systems help farmers do this.

The reasons for the tightening of the Fertilizer Ordinance include rising nitrate levels in groundwater, greenhouse gas effects due to intensive animal husbandry and the resulting criticism of agriculture from the population.

The amount of fertiliser is now measured in terms of yield potential.

Beispiel wie die Düngermenge am Ertragspotential gemessen wird

An example: According to a fertilizer requirement assessment, a farmer may apply 200 kg of fertilizer based on his previous year's yield (8t). Since it is not optimally exploiting its yield potential, the yield drops to 7 t. On this basis, the next requirement assessment is carried out, which only results in a fertilizer quantity of 160 kg. This continues and the farmer is trapped in a downward spiral.

Probleme bei Düngerüber- und Düngerunterversorgung

When a quantity of fertilizer is applied consistently, the following results problem: In some areas of a crop with high yield potential, the plant population requires more fertilizer than is applied. Underfertilization and thus yield losses are the result. On areas with low yield potential, the application of the same amount of fertilizer can lead to over-fertilization. This pollutes the environment and wastes resources.

Lösung: Die optimale Düngermenge

The solution. Nitrogen must be used more and more efficiently in order to still achieve high yields and good quality.

Just one intelligent sensor system can supply the plant population with what it needs. Application agents are applied precisely at the point in the stroke where they are needed. Balanced nitrogen balances and optimal use of yield potential are the result.

Are plant sensors complicated and expensive? Wrong
The ISARIA PRO Compact consists of two sensor units that can be attached to the tractor cab, e.g. to the side mirrors, in just a few minutes. A reference sensor on the tractor roof to measure lighting conditions completes the system. The sensor measures the sunlight reflected by the plants. The optimal application rate for the current plant population is calculated and transmitted to the application device.

The ISOBUS-compatible plant sensor is also worthwhile for farms with less than 100 hectares of arable land. In addition to functionality, the focus is on ease of use. All data can be transferred to the user-friendly online application via a USB stick ISARIA CONNECT be transferred.

Funktionalität des ISARIA Pro Compact in Verbindung mit ISARIA CONNECT

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The fertiliser ordinance requires an adjustment of the fertilization strategy